¡100 días hasta la totalidad! Quedan 92 días: el cielo de la "noche"

Astronomía solar en terrenos elevados

Beginning this Thursday, and every Thursday for the rest of the Summer, from 12:45-2:45pm Wyoming Stargazing will be offering FREE Solar Astronomy Programs out in front of Elevated Grounds coffee shop near the Aspen’s Market in Wilson. Come safely check out solar flares, sunspots, and other features on the Sun through our solar telescopes. You […]

Celebración del Día de la Tierra: Astronomía Solar

Wyoming Stargazing will be participating in this year’s Earth Day Celebration at the Center for the Arts in Jackson.  The event takes place on Sunday, April 27th from 4-7pm.  We’ll have our solar telescopes out to show everyone sunspots, solar flares, and solar prominences.   There is no charge for this event.  We hope to see […]

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